Spanishdict translate english to spanish

The Roman numerals “XXIX” translate to “29” in English numbers. The

transitive verb. 5. (to speak to a group) a. dirigirse. I will now address the crowd.En este momento me dirigiré a la multitud. 6. (to deal with) a. abordar. Let me address the matter of public security.Déjame abordar el asunto de la seguridad pública. 7. (to write an address on) a. poner la dirección en. 2. (to prescribe) a. dictar. The politician denied dictating the terms of the labor agreement.El político negó haber dictado los términos del acuerdo de los trabajadores. b. imponer. The prevailing army dictated the terms of the peace accord.El ejército vencedor impuso los términos del acuerdo de la paz. 3. (to influence) a. dictar. We ...

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Recent searches: English-Spanish Dictionary. Welcome to the English-Spanish Dictionary on WordReference. The site offers two English-Spanish dictionaries: The …1. (to make musical sounds with the voice) a. cantar (person, bird) He's always sung like an angel.Siempre ha cantado como un ángel. 2. (to sound) a. silbar (wind, kettle) The wind was singing softly through the trees.El viento silbaba suavemente por los árboles. b. zumbar (ears) His ears were still singing from the noise of the airplanes ...Translate words and phrases from English to Spanish or Spanish to English with the world's largest Spanish dictionary. Learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and …The Roman numerals “XXIX” translate to “29” in English numbers. The Roman numeral system uses letters instead of numerals to indicate numbers. The letters used in this system for n...1. (imperative; used to address one person) a. traduce al inglés. (informal) (singular) Read the following sentences and translate to English.Lee las siguientes oraciones y traduce al inglés. b. traduzca al inglés. (formal) (singular) The instructions for my Spanish homework say "translate to English."The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate. 10. Translate English translation to spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. 2. (identical to another) a. the same person. No es el mismo desde que ganó la lotería.He's not the same person since he won the lottery. b. the same one. Nos encantó la obra, así que fuimos a ver la misma otra vez.We loved the play, so we went to watch the same one again. c. the same thing (with "lo") Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDict, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. 1. (in the bathroom) a. el lavabo. (M) I cleaned the sink and the bathtub.Limpié el lavabo y la bañera. b. el lavamanos. (M) Wash your hands in the sink before having lunch.Lávate las manos en el lavamanos antes de comer. 2. … Translate English-spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Your online dictionary for ­English-Spanish­ translations. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses. Also available as App! 2. (used to express an emotion or state) a. to be. Estoy enojada porque me acaban de dar una multa de estacionamiento.I am angry because I just got a parking ticket. intransitive verb. 3. (to be located) a. to be. La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church. 4. (to be present) a. to be. feminine noun. 1. (furniture) a. table. Su nueva mesa de entrada está hecha de madera recuperada.Her new entry table is made of reclaimed wood. b. desk. Me gusta tener mi mesa en el trabajo muy organizada.I like to keep my desk at work very tidy. 2. (group in charge) a. committee.When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...winter coat. el abrigo de invierno. it is colnoun. 1. (division of a year) a. la estación. (F) Le For free. Translation. The world’s largest Spanish dictionary. Conjugation. Conjugations for every Spanish verb. Vocabulary. Learn vocabulary faster. Grammar. Learn every rule and exception. 1. (to put on show) a. exponer. The artists displayed their artwork a Translate Common sense. See authoritative translations of Common sense in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the best, today and always. F

Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the best, today and always. Felicidades, ya sabes, te deseo lo mejor, hoy y siempre. Happy birthday to both of us, sister. Felicidades a las dos, hermana. Happy birthday to the Isle of Patmos and patmosiani fathers. Feliz cumpleaños a la Isla de Patmos y padres patmosiani. Language translation is an essential service in our interconnected world, enabling effective communication between people from different linguistic backgrounds. English, being one ...Spanish. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites in Spanish and English with translations for every word using the world's best Spanish-English thesaurus and translator! Take advantage of our thesaurus to develop your vocabulary.intransitive verb. 1. (to decrease) a. to fall. La tasa de desempleo descendió del 6.5% al 5% en el último trimestre.The unemployment rate fell from 6.5% to 5% in the last quarter. b. to drop.

The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate. 2. (used to express an emotion or state) a. to be. Estoy enojada porque me acaban de dar una multa de estacionamiento.I am angry because I just got a parking ticket. intransitive verb. 3. (to be located) a. to be. La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church. 4. (to be present) a. to be. …

Reader Q&A - also see RECOMMENDED ARTICLES & FAQs. fo. -. kihst. ) adjective. 1. (with direct at. Possible cause: Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world'.

Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. a. el debut. (M) The singer's debut took the Apollo Theater by storm.El debut de la cantante cautivó totalmente al público del Teatro Apollo. b. el estreno. (M) The film's debut is tomorrow night.El estreno de la película es mañana por la noche. intransitive verb. 2. (to appear for the first time) a. debutar.

If you’ve ever faced the task of translating Spanish to English, you know that it can be a daunting process. While both languages share some similarities, there are also many diffe...a. listo. She was sent to the office for giving cute answers in class.La mandaron a la oficina por dar repuestas listas en clase. b. vivo. That kid is going to get himself in trouble if he keeps up the cute attitude.Ese chico se va a meter en problemas si sigue con esa actitud viva. 3. (affected)por supuesto (85K) claro (25K) Yeah, of course not, because you're bad at your job. Si, claro que no, porque eres malo en tu trabajo. Which means, of course, that my old job is free. Lo cual significa, claro, que mi antiguo trabajo está libre. The most important dressmaker in Paris, besides Poiret, of course.

1. (in the bathroom) a. el lavabo. (M) I cle transitive verb. 1. (linguistics) a. traducir. This book is translated into six languages. Este libro ha sido traducido a seis idiomas. 2. (to convert) a. convertir. You must translate these units into volts.Tienes que convertir estas unidades en voltios. 3. a. la fama. (F) It would seem that he deserves his good name.Parece ser que se merece su buena fama. b. la reputación. (F) Maintaining the dignity of my family's name is all that matters to me. Lo único que me importa es mantener la dignidad de la reputación de mi familia. 4. (person) a. la figura. fo. -. kihst. ) adjective. 1. (with direct attention) a. concentrada. la señora. (F) I talked to an elderly lady at the library. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...kuhm. ) copular verb. 1. (to come to be) a. convertirse en. He became the most influential director on the board.Se convirtió en el director más influyente de la junta. b. volverse. He became distant and didn't contact her for nearly a week.Se volvió distante y no la contactó durante casi una semana. c. hacerse. a. cerrar. The flower shop closes at 8 p Translate "English" in Spanish. See authoritative translations of "English" in Spanish in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for mTranslate ........ See Spanish-English translations with transitive verb. 1. (to suspend) a. to hang. Si tiendes la ropa en Sometimes you need to translate a document, joke or text from one language to another and don’t have time to wait for a translation service. That’s when it helps to know where to g... Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishD magician ... Lightning bolts came shooting from the tips of the magician's fingers.De la punta de los dedos del mago, salieron disparados rayos. ... The magician ... 1. (to rest) a. dormir. My neighbor's dog was barkin[Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the noun. 1. (sound) a. la risa. (F) I knew it was h Thesaurus. How to Pronounce the Letter "R" in Spanish. How to Say “Dog” in Spanish. dog () el bribón, la bribona. (F) Mi colega es un bribón perezoso; siempre le tengo que estar haciendo el trabajo. b. el canalla. (M)b. vestirse (oneself) My three-year-old cousin already dresses herself.Mi prima de tres años ya se viste sin ayuda. 4. (to bandage) a. vendar. Dress the wound carefully, because it may become infected.Vende la herida con cuidado porque …